• Dropping off/Picking-up robots
If you have a robot that you believe would benefit from a stay at our facility, please contact us to make arrangements. Likewise, if you are hoping to host one of our aging robots at your facility, please let us know in advance to make arrangements.
• If an anthropomorphic robot with a high-level cognitive mental agency degenerates into a simple mechanical humanoid with marginal mental and physical agency, would it then still be legally considered a robot?
We don’t know. But if this is something that is important to you and the care and understanding of your robot, then we are fully committed to finding an answer to your inquiries in a professional way in order to explore all options available for analysis, dissemination, treatment and care.
Our professional counselors are available 24/7 to help facilitate discussions about all these difficult issues. We are licensed counselors trained to deal with hardest of issues: rust, obsolescence, degeneration in industrial, modular, and service robots.
This difficult personal question is one that needs to be addressed within your family. As a guideline, we recommend the following issues to be addressed in your evaluation: 1) Your personal emotions. 2) Finances. 3) The condition of the robot.
• How do I know when the time is right to bring my robot to you?
The Fuller Street Robot Retirement Home is a full-continuum facility. Hospice care includes rust/corrosion care and maintenance. More active robots are treated to world-class facilities. Recreation and care are provided daily. Some robots are encouraged but not required to perform simple tasks: Operating a mail box, scarecrow volunteer work, supervising a window, etc.
• What activities or services are provided at the Fuller Street Robot Retirement Home?
We don’t know. But if this is something that is important to you and the care and understanding of your robot, then we are fully committed to finding an answer to your inquiries in a professional way in order to explore all options available for analysis, dissemination, treatment and care.
• What are robotic hemorrhoids?
"The World Belongs to Fountains and Questions"